For the 4th of July we had a very relaxed weekend. On the 4th we spent the day with our friends Conrad and Nicole helping with the sprinkler system then had a BBQ. I didn't get any pictures. But it was a lot of fun to just hang out. Friday we had to work then went back to Nicole and Cons to get something's done before we headed to the cabin. We spent Friday night and Saturday at the cabin. Beckham loves it there. He is getting so good at riding his four wheeler that now he is able to do it without being held onto. Saturday Jord and I went for a ride to see my uncles new property. Well that ended up being a bad idea. The ride bumped a kidney stone loose and I ended up in the ER. Well I have a stone and an infection. Beckham did so well at the hospital and was adorable. I'm very lucky to be blessed with such an awesome kid.
Becky and I took Berlin and Beckham to see Monsters University. They did such a good job and it was a darling movie.
Playing with Berlin. They love each other.
Beckham and Berlin were playing when Beck tripped and hit his head on the corner of a wall. It was a huge goes egg within seconds and bruised pretty badly. At least it didn't split open and need stitches. It was right next to the first stitches though.
The many faces of Beckham. He's really into me taking his picture and taking his own picture.
For my grandmas birthday this year we met my aunt nan and cousins at Cherry Hill for the day. This year Beckham loved it and had so much fun playing with my cousins little boy Tyce and swimming with his aunts and me. It was a very hot day and B and I were both fried. But it was fun. We want to go one more time this year.
Britt made B an awesome new bed since he grew out of his adorable toddler bed. These are not the best pictures but they are the best I could get until we redo the rest of his room. My mom, grandma, and I made the bedspread. I think it turned out so cute. I love it. Britt made the bat in middle school. It took me awhile to pick a color but I think it turned out amazing. Beckham loves it and hasn't slept in my bed since. He had his first sleep over with his Aunt Jord and Madison.