Yesterday I got to watch Rowan for Casey. Rowan is One of Beckhams only cousins his age. They are so cute together and play so good together. I did learn something from tending 2 two year olds mad that is that I do not want another child until Beckham can talk and understand perfect. They were such a handful.
Last week we went to Michigan to see Marsha's dad. His health isn't to great so we all went out to see him. I had never been to Michigan so it was fun to go somewhere new. I absolutely loved seeing where Marsha grew up and where all the "Michigan stories" Britt tells me happened. It was the first time Marsha got to see her moms grave. We drove out there on a Friday. We left at 6 in the morning. We didn't get as far as we would have liked because we had to drop Elma off at Ilene's and we had to pick Tyson up. Then when we got to Wyoming the roads were not so great. We made it to Kearny Nebraska that night and got up early Saturday and drove the rest of the way. We went straight to see Grandpa Stevens. We spent 4 days there. I got to see all the homes that Marsha's parents lived in and where Marsha grew up. We also got to see where Marsha's mom is buried. We went to the mall and let Beckham ride the carousel. All of the old ladies in the rest home absolutely LOVED Beckham. They all wanted to talk and play with him. It was darling. We left Thursday morning super early at 2 in the morning Utah time. We drove clear to Sidney Nebraska. That is a total of 1000 miles in one day. Beckham was amazing. He was so good the entire way there and back. I could not believe. I have one amazing little boy. He is so easy going. The only time he would want to get out of the car was to eat. He was so good. It was a fun trip. Im glad we were able to go and let Beckham meet papa Stevens.
Marsha's moms grave
The rest home
Marsha, her 2 sisters Kate & Sandy, & oldest brother Dan