This summer has been crazy busy. I feels like we haven't stopped for two seconds. We spent a lot of time having fires up at the Ranch. We spent a few days down at the Cabin and we have spent a lot of time making furniture for our house and my crafts. This summer has brought a lot of changes our way as well. Britt changed jobs a few weeks ago. That was a lot of talking and thinking and discussing if it was the right move and now that he has done it, it definitely was. He loves working with his cousins doing something he loves and he doesn't have to deal with co-workers and company drama. It was a good move and it has made our life a lot happier. Beckham has grown so much. He has got to be the smartest 18 month old ever. He knows how to plug everything it. He knows how to plug our phones into the chargers and into the computer. His favorite thing to do is play in the shop with his dad and build. We bought him his own tools that he can play with so he doesnt get hurt. He loves his dad more then anything. He is talking like crazy. We attempted swimming lessons last week and they did go to well so hopefully when we try again in a couple of weeks it will work out. We also took the Paci away. I had to wait to do it until I knew Britt was going to be gone a lot so he would give it back to him once he started crying. We'll he did awesome. He went right to sleep without it and hasnt looked back until yesterday when he found them in the desk but I got it before it went in the mouth and threw them all away.
Funny Things Beckham's doing:
He screams for DAAAAA (dad) all the time and it gets very loud.
When he is hungry, hurt, or his dad tells him no its Maaaaa (mom.
Everything is a ball and everything gets thrown.
When we pull up to my Gma Louises he instantly starts saying WAWA (water/hose/swimming). He loves the hose. When we swim there it is on the whole time.
He loves his Aunt Jordyn. She cant leave without him freaking out and he throws a fit.
He loves to climb. Our coffee table is his favorite. He pulls the drawers out of it and uses them as stairs or a bench to sit on.
He loves watching movies. Gnomeo and Juliet was his favorite, but I cant take it anymore so we have moved onto Cars and A Bugs Life.
When he gets in trouble he hugs and kisses you like dont be mad I love you.
He does not like sitting in carts. He always stands up so when I say sit down he hugs and pats my back so I cant sit him down right away.
He LOVES tools, and power tools to be exact. Whenever we go to Home Depot and he sees a drill he makes a shzzzz shzzz sound like the drill and the sanders. It is so funny. We finally had to buy him his own set so he didnt take off with the real ones.
If we give Beckham anything to eat on his own at my moms he instantly throws it on the floor for Shaq to get. He also torments the crap out of Shaq. He grabs his tail, pinches his tail in his toes, pokes his eyes, and so much more. He is a bully.
Beckham definitely keeps our lives interesting and fun. We have had so much fun with him this summer.
5 years ago