Last night we went to Kait's (my cousin Kyle's wife) baby shower for baby Tyce. It was so much fun to go up to Brigham City and see all of them and support them. Beckham will finally have a cousin close to his age on my side. We are so excited. It will be so fun to have 2 babies around. It was a adorable shower and she got a lot of fun cute stuff. Good luck Kait! We cant wait for Tyce to get here!
Jordyn turned 12 on Wednesday. It was such a fun day. We spent the day getting ready for her to come home from school. Jordyn, my mom, me, Britt, and Beckham all went to Tempenyaki for dinner. Beckham loved watching the guy cook. He was on cloud nine. He couldnt keep his eyes off of him. It was so cute. we had some much fun watching him. He is so interested in anything new. Its adorable. My dad and Lyndsey were not able to make it because Lyndsey had a to meet with a school. It ended up being a great day. She had the cutest cake I have ever seen. (thanks Kylee) She absolutely loved it.
A couple of weeks ago Beckham finally got to meet one of his cousin's that is around his age, Ethan. Ethan is Britt's cousin Scott and Shanna's little boy and he is 2 months older. They hadn't met yet because Scott and Shanna live up in Logan so we don't see them as much as we would like. But they didn't quite know what to think of each other at first, but they slowly warmed up to each other and were so dang cute.