I know I'm a little late, but we are have been trying to get everything done for the baby as well as get ready for Christmas. For Thanksgiving this year we went to Britt's parents house and ate with them. It was so pleasant and fun. It was just us, his parents, Shayla and Tyson. It was nothing like what I am use to, but I loved every minute of it. I wish my mom would start doing her own Thanksgiving. It would be alot less contentious. We didnt take any pictures because I left my camera at home, but next year I will for sure take pictures because it will be Beckham's first Thanksgiving.
We are so thankful for so many things. At the top of my life it has got to be my husband, Britt. He is so amazing to me and has taken care of me through this awful pregnancy and he is always so willing to take me straight to the hospital whenever I need to go. I love him so very much and would be so lost without him. I am so thankful for my mom. She is my inspiration and I love her so much. I cant imagine having a better mom. She is my rock and she can always make me laugh when I am stressed or sick. She can always get my mind off of my back and the kidney stones. I love her so much. Thank you mom!
We had a very good thanksgiving and I cant wait for many more to come. It has to be one of my favorite holidays because it is so relaxing and stress free.